It’s been just over two months since Uber announced its conspiracy to anger and confuse us every time we need a ride by changing its logo. Yes, you detected some sarcasm there, but it’s not too far from the real response to the logo on Uber’s app.
Headlines read:
– Uber Logo Change: Are They Kidding? (Huffington Post)
– Uber, Your New Logo Is a Mistake and Looks Like JPMorgan’s (Fortune)
– Uber Just Changed Its Logo – And People Are Already Calling It Ugly (Business Insider)
Too bad for Uber! Apparently, Instagram didn’t notice the fallout from Uber’s logo announcement because today they released a new logo of their own, from which they are catching a bit of criticism.
Within hours these were the headlines:
– Instagram’s New Logo Is a Travesty. Can We Change It Back? Please? (Adweek)
– Instagram Unveils New Logo, But It’s Not Quite Picture Perfect (The Guardian)
– Instagram Changes Iconic Logo, Internet Trashes New Design (NY Daily News)
Again, an app giant is changing the appearance of the home screens on our phones and we can’t handle it! Or can we?
If I’m being honest, I have to think really hard about what the previous Uber logo looked like. This was an icon that was on the home screen of my phone for a couple of years. I saw it every day, but within two months the exact rendering of the old logo escapes my memory. So, apparently I can handle change. And so can everyone else!
As a leader in your church, I’m sure you’ve experienced negative response when you’ve made a change, whether it be music style, media design, lighting, sound levels, communication methods, kids check-in procedures, parking locations, paint colors, a new haircut. You name it – if you make a change at your church, chances are you’ll get at least one complaint.
Don’t let that threat of criticism hold you back from making the right decisions and leading your church toward a goal. God has given you gifts, knowledge, and talents in a specific area to lead your church in making the right choices. You’ll never please everyone, so make the choice to do what you know to be right. And once the dust settles, just like it will soon for Instagram, most people won’t remember the way things used to be and they will move forward with you.
Be brave and take a step toward change.